Thursday, June 10, 2010


She still can't figure out rolling from back to front, but she started sitting

Monday, June 7, 2010

Summer has begun!

At our house the official start to summer is when we get the pool up and running. It's not a very big in size, but is big in fun for our family. I think Andrew would live out there 24/7 if I'd let him.

Fun in the Sun!!!!

Just chillin'

Flubber Floats!

Trying to figure out if splashing is fun or not.

Monica was really intrigued. By the end of the day she finally figured out how to splash and make everyone smile and laugh.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

5 months already

There have been lots of new exciting adventures in the last month for Monica.
Let's see if I can list them all off...

She found her toes, and she is fascinated by them...

in this pic you can see her chubby little legs

She also started baby food. At first she HATED carrots. She screamed and gagged, but the next time (when I heated them up and added cereal) she fell in love with them. Now she screams when the jar is empty.

She is still full of smiles. She even wakes up with smiles while she's rubbing or covering her eyes.

Mama couldn't keep up with my little chunk-a-munk. So she gets about half breast milk and half formula thought the day. Plus carrots and cereal. She loves to eat.

Andrew is still in love with her. Even when she pulls his hair. And she is amazed by him... most of the time.

5 month picture with Hoppy

She's getting so wiggly it's hard for Andrew to hold her much anymore.

She now scoots across the floor on her back, talks like crazy, grabs anything and everything to try to chew on. And when she is tired she loves to snuggle down into your shoulder and "give kisses" a.k.a. suck on your neck. Her two favorite places these days are the floor and the mega saucer. And she's pretty happy as long as someone is there to listen to her talk. Even if it's just the animals on the saucer.

The last 5 months have gone by so fast.