Friday, December 26, 2008

Our Very Merry Christmas!

Here is a little peak into the Young family christmas morning.  We had a wonderful christmas filled with traditions, family fun time, great friends and great food! The only thing that was missing was fresh snow.  I guess you could say we had a semi white christmas.  We still have some leftover half melted/froze again snow from a few weeks ago.
 Andrew really got into the traditions this year  Everything from the normal Santa stuff to the full celebration of Jesus' birthday including a birthday cake with candles.  He was so exciting to see that baby Jesus was in the manger on Christmas morning.

We hope all our friends and family were as blessed as we were this year.

Our Pug-Deer.  I don't think he was too fond of his Christmas gift.
My 3 Christmas boys!

Passing down the memories!  Mama's favorite games as a kid.  
That's Andrew's "oooh cool" face!  He has carried these notebooks around all day!

Again with the "ooh cool" face while getting all the "odds and ends" from his stocking!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

FINALLY!!!!! What an amazing day!

This is a two part praise!  

Part 1: SNOW.  We finally got "real" snow, not just a dusting.  Normally snow starts by halloween here and NOv is normally the 2nd snowiest month of the year.  THis year I thin the official numbers for Nov were less then 1 inch.  But we made up for it today as you can see form the pics below.    Cont past the photos to read about Part 2

this is what it looked like when we got up Thur. morning.

This is the view at about 11am from Maria's house.  It cont. most of the day.  I think we ended up with around 7 inches.

Part 2:  It's actually hard for me to actually say this with confidence, ok here I go...
JOHN GOT THE FTE (full time employee)!!!!
yep you read it correctly.  It's official.  After waiting almost 3 yrs and after every date we've been given falling through, this time it's for real.  He got the official offer today.  I can hardly believe it.  I truly was beginning to think this was all just a sick joke and it would NEVER actually go through.  But it did.  Have I said how shocked, amazed and excited I am?  Ok, just checking!

Like I said in the title...  What an amazing day!  God is good...  scratch that God is GREAT!!!!!! As if I didn't already know that!  :)