Happy (late) Birthday Monica and (early) Birthday Andrew!!!!!
Here are some pics from the weekend. Nana and PawPaw came into town for the party so we had lots of fun with them. Monica not only started saying Nana, and even said PawPaw a few times, but this weekend she decided two feet were better then four. She had taken a few steps to daddy in the weeks previous, but now she loves to walk. He first instinct is to pull up on something and walk until she falls (anywhere from 3-10 or so steps) then crawl over to something she can pull up on and start again! And she's getting fast!
Here are the kids latest stats from their well check visit last Thur.
MONICA: Height 30in 70% Weight 21lbs 40% Head Cir 18.25in 80%
ANDREW: Height 47in 80% Weight 47lbs 60%
Andrew's Balloons
Monica's balloons
The cake turned out PERFECT!!!!!!
playing with Aunt RaeRae in one of the bounce houses
Monica's friends!
From left to right...Monica was born Dec 27th, Janae was born 3 weeks later and Quinn was born 4 weeks after Jane.
All dressed up for church, in his suit that Grammy and Poppy sent him. When he opened it at the party he said "wow now I can look like a principal!"
Mr. Safety! Uncle Gabe got Andrew a "safety backpack" filled with all sorts of safety gear like a helmet, safety goggles, "danger" tape, safety signs, etc... And Nana/PawPaw and Mama/Daddy bought him a Harley Davidson Police "turn on" aka power wheels.. motorcycle!

I can't believe my little girl is 13 months old and my little boy is going to be 6 next Thursday. Time flies by way too fast these days!
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