Thurs. Night: So our first attempt with Santa... failed. Andrew was scared, but decided to be brave for Monica and so we could get one good picture. I grabbed my camera... battery dead. So I grabbed my phone. It was the perfect pic, everyone was happy and smiling. Couldn't wait to get home and post it for all to see. So I grabbed my phone... no picture... I didn't save the picture and it doesn't auto save. I cried, Andrew cried harder.
Sat. Morning: Another FREE chance to get a pic with Santa from 12-4pm. We got there at 11:50am, the line was already out the door and down the sidewalk, much to John's dismay, we joined the crowd. Luckily the line moved quickly. As we made our way inside we found out they had different stations set up. The first station was milk and cookies. Why they put that as the FIRST station, BEFORE picture, when all the kiddo are dressed nice for their picture... good question. 2nd stop was Santa's slay. Santa looked amazing. He had the most beautiful silver curls in his real hair and beard. Andrew had no problem sitting with Santa this time. And Santa even knew he wanted Star Wars Legos. So we got a good pic of Andrew with Santa, then is was Monica's turn to sit with brother and Santa... this time, she didn't really think Santa was much fun... so she screamed. Yes, I am one of "those parents" that thinks the screaming with Santa pics are cute. So of course we got one. Kodak was there taking the pics and giving you free prints! After Santa, we went around the corner to see the Santa Cow from Chik Fil A who was handing out free kids meals. Then Mrs. Claus was reading Christmas stories to the kids. They also had a craft room but it was too crowded so we decided to skip it.
Here are the pictures taken that day...

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