I know, I'm WAYYYYY behind. In fact I should be posting 7 month pics in less then a week. But better late then never!
Here's a quick update on the family...
Andrew: He has spent his summer in the sun and the water. Most days he is bouncing between his pool in the back yard and his scooter or bike. He's really getting into rideing his bike. In fact he went on his first bike tour with daddy last Sat. They were gone for 3 hrs and rode approx 8 miles. I thought he'd be zapped by the time they got home, but instead he wanted me to take him to the park. (wish I had that kind of energy) He's getting really excited about Kindergarten. He can't wait to tour his new school next week.
John: John spent the first have of the summer in the yard working on his ongoing landscape project. He also got a new "toy" a few weeks ago. A recumbent bike. Make those longer rides with Andrew much more comfortable. John has also stepped up at church as our youth leader. So is been really busy building the Sumer Nites program and attending different events with the youth. His favorite so far has been Elitches (the old Denver Six Flags) with the Skillet concert.
Tiffany: Well, besides for lathering Andrew in sunscreen, feeding a baby and working with Maria... I don't think I've done much of note this summer so far. The kiddos and helping John with the youth, keeps me pretty busy.
Monica: My how things have changed in the past month. She can now sit completely independently and when she's done sitting she moves herself to her belly. While we were in Missouri she figured out how to roll from her back to her belly and is starting to figure out how to roll and wiggle to reach something. She even got her first bruise the other day buy wiggling to the coffee table and trying to pull herself up on the bottom level. We finally found a food that she doesn't like... green beans. She gags and makes horrible faces the whole time you try to feed them to her. But she loves squash, carrots, sweet pot, and apples with cinnamon and oatmeal. She tried apple with granola last night and didn't gag, but seemed unsure the whole time The doc suggested we start puff and a sippy cup just to get her used to it. She does great with both, except gets mad that there is only water in the sippy cup.
Missouri Trip: Well is took 15 1/2 hrs to get there...way too long. But the kiddo did great. Monica finally gave up about 2 miles from mom and dad's house. She was done and started screaming to high heaven. But other then that it was fine, boring and slow but fine. As you all know there is NOTHING to do as you drive 460+ miles across Kansas. We found out that there are 192 windmills between our house and Missouri and the longest irrigation chain was 14 sections. :) However it's always somewhat interesting to see that random signs along the way. Whether it's the giant replica of Van Gogh's Sunflower painting in Goodland or our new fav in Colby... the painted billboard of Jesus holding a sheath of wheat. No words, just the picture. John loved it. Once we got there the fun began. I found it much harder to fit in everything and everybody in 6 days, when we normally have 9 days. Next time we will have to make sure we are there in time for the parade so we can catch a few more people. But we had a great time. If we missed you, I'm very sorry. There just wasn't enough hours in the day. When it was all said and done we made the long trip, back across Kansas. But this time we made it in 14 1/2 hours.
I have to throw out a huge THANK YOU for our friend Jordan that came along with us. She is such a saint to put up with my kiddos in the van the whole time. I don't know if we could have done it with out her! We love you Jordan!!!!
6 month picture with Hoppy
First time with a sippy cup!

Grammy had pink and green doily that Monica just loved playing with and wearing as a hat.
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