As of yesterday (one day before her two month birthday), Monica is full of smiles. She had smiled off and on at daddy and often smiled at me as soon as I'd change her diaper. But now as long as she sees you and hears you, her little face lights up! I am starting to see a lot of similarities to her and Andrew. One of which is how, at this age, when they smile big they pull up one of their forearms right up to their little mouth. Unfortunately I couldn't catch that one of camera yet.
Over the past month, Monica has gained a lot better head control and now doesn't mind tummy time as bad. However when she's done she continues to flip herself over then get mad that she's still on the floor! Her acid reflux seems to be getting better or at least stabilizing with the meds. She has been down to only one feeding a night since 3 weeks and has made it all the way through the night about 5 times. We moved her to her room, and she didn't seem to know a difference... just like her brother.
We are both currently fighting thrush, which SUCKS!!!!! At least for me. It doesn't seem to be bothering her at all.
Here are the most recent pictures.

Bright eyes

Little spring outfit that Grammy made her

The adorable sun hat that Grammy made for her

I did a good job of catching this one right before she screamed. It almost looks like a cheesey smile.

2 month picture with Hoppy

10lbs 10.2oz and almost 23in.

Cuddle time
1 comment:
Andrew is so sweet with her! And she is just adorable. You guys must just be on cloud nine!
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