The other great accomplishment of the night was picking out paint and ordering the wall border for Monica's room! The "plan" is to have the carpets completely cleaned this week and by the end of next weekend have the painting done! :) Then we can move in the furniture the week before Christmas and finally finish off her room!!!! Nothing like cutting things a little close.
Speaking of close... as of today there are only 32 days until Monica's due date! PRAISE JESUS!!!!!! We originally had a c-section scheduled for Jan 14th if I went past the date. The 14th is my Grandfather's birthday. However, I found out that the one and only doctor that I really can't stand happens to be on call that day and would be doing the c-section... NO WAY!!!!! If I go into labor on my own and he ends up being on call, well that is in God's hands, but I will NOT schedule a day with him. So we moved it up a day, the 13th. So that means a MAX of 38 days till we get to finally meet our little girl. I'm still praying for an early delivery, just preferably not on Christmas! :) New years area would be good. Or even around the 15th, which could fall on either my grandma's birthday or John's dad's birthday!
Andrew also made a little shaker in Sunday School today out of beans and paper cups. When he gave it to me, he asked me to save it for Monica. He said it was a rattle to remind her of Jesus! He is already such a great big brother!
Here are a few photos of Hoppie, the bunny Andrew made for Monica!
1 comment:
That is so sweet! You will have to remind them both of this story in about 4 years. ;)
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