I'm amazed each day how involved Andrew is in the pregnancy. He's always asking how I'm doing, and how Monica Grace is. He wants to hug and kiss her first thing in the morning and last thing at night. I told him last week that she could hear him talk to her so now he will randomly comes over and tell her things or sing her songs. Last night he heard something on a commercial and came over and said he needed to tell Monica Grace a secret. "Monica Grace did you know cupcakes are made for fun?" It was adorable! I've tried to tell him he doesn't have to say Monica Grace all the time. He can call her just Monica, but he says he likes Monica Grace better. This morning he was explaining to her what her name was, Monica Grace Young... "Young is our family name, it says you are part of our family" He also seems very concerned about what I'm eating or drinking. He's always asking me if that's ok for Monica to eat or drink. Or he'll tell me that I should eat more so Monica can have plenty! Last night he told John he needed to go to the grocery store and get me some sweet stuff, because Monica must be wanting it since I was craving it! :) John came home with a cheesecake for me!
Maria is also starting to get jealous over who's turn it is to talk to "Baby Ica" She doesn't want Andrew to talk or touch my belly! Only her! :) Little does she know how that little baby in there is gong to turn her life upside down soon!
I'm including a pic taken last month of Andrew and his best friend/girl friend McKensie. They moved to Arkansas so we got the kids together one last time at JumpIn for a simple farewell party! We miss them very much, but can't wait to see them when we go back to MO next June

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