Thursday, December 4, 2008

FINALLY!!!!! What an amazing day!

This is a two part praise!  

Part 1: SNOW.  We finally got "real" snow, not just a dusting.  Normally snow starts by halloween here and NOv is normally the 2nd snowiest month of the year.  THis year I thin the official numbers for Nov were less then 1 inch.  But we made up for it today as you can see form the pics below.    Cont past the photos to read about Part 2

this is what it looked like when we got up Thur. morning.

This is the view at about 11am from Maria's house.  It cont. most of the day.  I think we ended up with around 7 inches.

Part 2:  It's actually hard for me to actually say this with confidence, ok here I go...
JOHN GOT THE FTE (full time employee)!!!!
yep you read it correctly.  It's official.  After waiting almost 3 yrs and after every date we've been given falling through, this time it's for real.  He got the official offer today.  I can hardly believe it.  I truly was beginning to think this was all just a sick joke and it would NEVER actually go through.  But it did.  Have I said how shocked, amazed and excited I am?  Ok, just checking!

Like I said in the title...  What an amazing day!  God is good...  scratch that God is GREAT!!!!!! As if I didn't already know that!  :)

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