Friday, August 22, 2008

Horsetooth Resv. boating

Last Wed. JOhn's boss invited the employees and their family to the lake for bbq/boating.  Sine John and Jean were visiting that got to enjoy a little of the boat and the bbq on the beach with us.  We had a blast!

We were all so proud of him!

I only posted this pic to prove that I got out there too.  John did a wonderful job of taking pics of me with my face all scrunched up.  
If you look closely, you can see my in-laws on the beach in the background.
John hanging on for hear life!

John and Andrew tubing at Horsetooth Resv.
(Sorry if it's hard to follow I was tryiing to keep my balance on the slippery deck of the boat.

John's boss was not very merciful!  I was siting down this time, but Marty was throwing him all over the place!

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