Ok so it's been too long since I got my little booty in gear and posted anything. I really don't have may great pics to post but I can at least give ya'll an update.
Where to begin... how about Andrew and school... yuck! I can't really say that it is a little better, but his teacher still bugs me. We had our parent teacher conference a couple of weeks ago. *Yeah the year is 25% over* anyway... It went fairly well. John didn't really notice anything about Ms. T. It's gotta be the "mom's 6th sense" Plus I get to see her reg. day to day behavior. LIke when the last little boy in Andrew's class to get picked up, was putting his papers into his bag and then saw his mom, he got so excited (normally dad picks him up) that he held onto his box a ran over to her. Ms. T hollered out to him, "Jacob, no, you will finish your job." He was heart broken. And started crying, which her reply was "oh please..." I heard him through his tears ask Ms. T, "I can't go home with my mom at all?" Mom came over to him so Ms. T didn't respond. Is it really so hard for her to say something more like, "Jacob lets finish your job first and then we can show Mommy all your hard work." Instead of making him feel like he couldn't see his mom at all. I know for many people there isn't much difference in that, but if you've worked with kids, or have your own, you know it can be black and white to a 3yr old..
As for the rest of the family... well good and bad news.
The good news is that John's official full time job (FTE) was posted and he made the short list. THat just means he was at the top of the applicants for his boss the chose from. We should be getting the official offer soon. His boss wants the start date to be by Nov 10th. Finally!!!! We've only been waiting for a position like this for 4 1/2 years and they've been actually grooming him for this exact position for over 3 yrs. Over the years we've had alot of hurry up and wait. The gov.'s specialty.
Now the for the bad part, I almost broke my hand. And it wasn't even while doing anything fun. I simply slammed my knuckle into the couch. Not on purpose of course. I thought at first I just popped my knuckle. But the next morning I woke up and most of my hand was swollen. What little movement I had the first night was gone. We had it checked out and the x-ray didn't show a fracture, but there was quite a bit of soft tissue swelling which is what was causing the pain. I had to wear a splint for what seemed like forever, really only a week or so. I'm glad to say it's pretty much back to normal. I was even able to put my wedding ring back on last night.
As for my job, things are still going good. Maria is growing like a weed. She now holds her own bottle, sits up on her own, and is just days from crawling. Then the fun will really begin.
We had a ton of fun this summer, from several trips to the zoo (which I forgot my camera each time) to camping out in Estes and enjoy the Colorado wildlife.
My parents brought their pop up out here and we joined them for Labor day weekend in the mountians at Estes Park. The night beofre we got there they had a bear wondering around in the tent camp area, a few days after we got there a cow elk and her calf came wondering up about 30 yrds from the pop ups. And on the las night we had 6 white tails does and a young buck come with in 20 ft from out pop up. But I must say the wildlife highlight was as we were driving to Grand Lake for the day. There were a ton of cars pulled over which normally means elk. I've seen about as many elk as I have white tails in my life now, so unless they are buggleing, I'm not that interested. But this was no elk. It was a bull. A bull MOOSE! yep I got to see my first moose. It was awesome. Unfortunatly he never fully came out of the brush so the pictures weren't that clear, but it's enough that you can his his nice rack and know it was the real thing.
Well I hope everyone had a wonderful summer, is enjoying fall, and is getting ready for thanksgiving and christmas. Yep I said it, Christmas. You know it's only 61 days away. Or for us, it's basically 42 days way, since we will be celebrating Christmas in MO Dec 6th-14th. Hopefully we will get to catch up with most everyone.
I'll try to post some fall/halloween pics in a couple of weeks.
I will leave you with a few pics from our hike along the river to Adam's Falls in Grand Lake and the Moose.